Cancer: Top 7 Cancer-Fighting Superfoods

Cancer: Top 7 Cancer-Fighting Superfoods Health & Fitness

Number Seven: Gooseberrie

Gooseberries (also known as amla) contain phytochemicals. These prevent oxidative stress which has been linked to heart disease and cancer. Plus, they’re delicious.

Number Six: Leafy Greens

We’ve all heard time and time again that we should eat our greens.

There’s a good reason why this wisdom is passed around! Spinach, lettuce, broccoli, and cabbage are all rich in antioxidants. They also contain beta-carotene. The chemicals in these greens have been shown to reduce growth in harmful cancer cells.

Number Five : Grapes

Grapes contain bioactive components. Red grape skins are rich in important antioxidants, which help keep cancer at bay and also limit the growth of cancerous cells.

Number Four: Chili Peppers

Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which has been shown to reduce the growth of cancer cells. It is particularly effective at fighting colon and prostate cancers. Add some more chili peppers to your diet today.

Number Three: Turmeric

This wonderful spice has been praised for centuries for its medicinal properties. This is because it contains antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties. It is most effective with bower, breast, and stomach cancers.

Number Two: Ginger Fights Cancer

Ginger has medicinal benefits that are useful for everything from common colds and flues to more serious issues like Alzheimer’s disease. Anti-cancer properties are among the list of benefits that ginger provides. Ginger has been shown to shrink cancerous tumors and may even be more effective than some cancer drugs.

Number One: Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps to lower cholesterol, increase insulin effectiveness, reduce inflammation and slow down cancerous tumor growth. It also strengthens the immune system, helps you lowe weight, and adds many essential minerals to your diet. Start sprinkling cinnamon over your breakfast in the morning to receive these benefits. We hope you enjoyed this article and learned a few new things. Thanks for reading.


