Daily Horoscope

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19


Your involvement in an evolving tradition or routine is necessary today. You have an opinion about where the current culture is headed, and you have a right to help alter that course if it is not to your liking. This is a great time to get active in a cause that matters to you. If you can't give your time, then consider giving some of your hard-earned money. Standing up (and sacrificing) for what you believe in can make you feel better than you'd think. You can make a difference.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20


While you might not have clairvoyant powers, today you will have a knack for predicting the future. Friends will want to know which risk is safe to take, which person is most interested, even which stock to buy. You don't have to divulge the fact that you're no psychic and cannot tell the future if you don't want to. Amaze them with your powers and enjoy letting them temporarily escape the burden of having to make all their own decisions alone.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20


You are ready for seriously bold action today! It's time to step up and make the grand gestures you know you can make. If you have been beating around the bush with someone you have growing feelings for, today is the day to bite the bullet and confess your true emotions. It's now or never. If you have been contemplating a travel adventure, today is the day to book the tickets and commit to going. Time is slipping away, you need to act now to get what you want.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22


If you are feeling a bit blue today, put yourself in the service of someone else. Reaching out to help solve the problems of other people will help take your mind off of your own problems, or at least put them into perspective. Everyone has their own cross in life to bear, and no one gets the luxury of selecting it. Get a new perspective on someone else's cross, and you might find yourself grateful for the one you've been given. Plus, you'll find a new idea regarding how to deal with it.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22


Quick reasoning will help you keep a bright and sunny outlook today, and you will be in total control of every move you make. Plus, you will help other people out of some particularly sour pickles. In the end, you'll be the recipient of many glowing compliments. What appears to be an impossible situation will be a simple puzzle for you, one that you can solve in seconds. You will have a lot of fun blowing people away accomplishing things that are terrifically easy for you.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22


In romantic situations right now, it is best to take things slowly. Easy does it! You might want to rush down the aisle or at least rush ahead to take things to a more serious level, but you really can't. Now is not the time to focus on the future. Now is the time to just enjoy where the two of you are in terms of your relationship. It is what it is, not what you want it to become, that's important, at least for now. Today, remember that things worth having are worth waiting for!

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22


Today will be another breezy day with plenty of fresh air and sunshine to enjoy. You need to be out in wide-open spaces to open your mind. This will in turn allow new ideas, new people and even a few new adventures to enter your life. If you spend more time with less conventional people, you'll be giving your mind the stimulation it needs. So say hello to the folks you meet while you are out exploring the world.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21


A person from your past might be holding you back from enjoying your present, or rather, the memories of this person are keeping you from moving forward. Are you stuck in the past? Yes, it's important to understand how old relationships or old choices can affect you today, but you could run the risk of getting stuck in nostalgia. Not much can get done when all you do is compare your current life to the life you used to have. Put away the photo albums and decide to live your life going forward.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21


Is there something you have been noticing about yourself that you want to improve? It is admirable to want to rid yourself of bad habits, and best of all, it is always an attainable goal. The key is perseverance! Start turning over that new leaf today, but do not put too much pressure on yourself to achieve overnight perfection. Give yourself plenty of space to stumble along the way. Pat yourself on the back as you take that step in a new direction!

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19


It takes a lot of time to learn something new, so don't be impatient with yourself right now. Each time you uncover a new aspect of your current challenge, you will also uncover a new obstacle. This is disheartening, but it is also very normal. Just keep going and keep learning! It will all start to gel soon. You are on your own schedule, so do not compare your progress to the progress of someone else. Stay focused on what you need to do.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18


Friends can be more than partners for good times and giggles. They can be the greatest teachers you will ever meet in your life. But to learn their lessons, you have to listen without getting defensive. Remember that when someone you trust offers you some honest (if a bit painful) advice today. Upon hearing what they have to say, don't get defensive and tell them to mind their own business. Hear them out.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20


Jump right in to an intimidating situation today and prove to yourself that you can do whatever you decide to do. You should immediately take control. Don't worry, no one around you is going to mind. In fact, a lot of people are curious to hear what you have to say. They have been talking about you and are quite eager to see what you can accomplish. So why not show them? You will be very glad you took the chance and took the control.