Daily Horoscope

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19


You know that release you feel when you unbutton your waistband after a huge feast? An unexpected cancellation, postponement, or change in plan will give you that same wonderful sense of relaxation and relief now. Make the most of it and fill up your newly flexible time with the things that need to be addressed. A quick shuffle will put things in the right priority and line everything up so you can neatly finish them.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20


Take the lead in a confusing situation today. It will be exhilarating, it will be fun, and it will win you big points with important people. And don't shy away from giving out orders or creating an agenda for the group. You know what you're doing, so have confidence. Believe it or not, if you just say what you're feeling strongly enough, the others will agree with you. The tone of your voice will command their respect and earn their alliance, which is a very powerful thing.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20


Today could be an extremely busy day for you, but that doesn't mean you won't have fun. There is no rule that says you can't add some laughter into a business situation, and you don't get extra points for taking everything so seriously. So lighten up your attitude and you might find that your work load lightens up too (or maybe it just feels that way). Toss out a few corny jokes in a meeting and see who laughs. Then align yourself with that person.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22


You should try to keep your impulses in check today. You must lead with your thinking skills, not your heart or compassion. If someone really ticks you off, you can certainly get into a defensive position and be ready to fight back, just don't be the first person to make any offensive moves. Bite your tongue and keep quiet. You can't afford to be the instigator in any drama right now, and who needs all the troublt that comes with it? Stay out of things.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22


Celebrity gossip seem like a guilt-free indulgence when you're waiting in the checkout line, but why waste your time trying to catch a glimpse of someone else's glamorous life? Start working harder at building up your own enviable position in the world. Maybe it's not fame you want, but whatever your goals, they aren't going to be met any time soon unless you keep working on them. Cut back on distractions today and keep your energy focused on the tasks at hand.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22


When everyone else is staring at a puzzle today and freaking out because they don't have a clue how to solve it, you will be able to swoop in, take just once glance, and offer up some intriguing ideas. The difference between you and everyone else is that your creativity is much more flexible. You can approach any situation in a new way and see fresh ideas. Use all of this creativity to your advantage, and don't be shy about it. People are impressed.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22


Home is your refuge from the rest of the world, so if there are problems in that area, taking care of those issues is your first priority! If something needs to be repaired, make all the phone calls and arrangements to get things on the mend. If the problems are more a matter of emotions or relationship troubles, start a conversation with the person who needs to hear what you think. Get a dialogue going and find out what you both need to get along.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21


Things may have slowed down a little bit in your life, but that doesn't mean you are slowing down! Today, you're still firing on all cylinders, ready to pounce on the next opportunity that walks through the door. You're poised, you're alert, and you are ready for action. But if for some reason your heart's not in the game, you're allowed to enjoy this slower time and take it easy instead. You're in a position now where you can't lose. Anything you do is the right thing.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21


To get your message across clearly and quickly today, you need to slip that iron fist of yours into a velvet glove. Tact will be necessary, so be careful. If you use too much force and bluster, you run the risk of alienating some powerful people you need on your side. A little bit of charm can move mountains today, but screaming or yelling definitely won't. You have the ability to understand what motivates other people, so use it.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19


It's not going to be an easy day if you're feeling indecisive. You've been going back and forth about continuing a relationship. Now you need to stop the madness and come to a decision. Certain truths are starting to become too obvious to ignore, so face them. Until you see things as they truly are, you can't move forward and give your full attention to someone who is much more deserving of your time. You can't be friends with everyone in life.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18


Compromising might not feel like the right thing to do, but it is definitely the wisest strategy for you right now. Not only will you help keep relations moving along in a positive direction, you will also show other people that you know how to be flexible and how to see things from their perspective. Proving that you have this type of empathy will go a long way toward building stronger relationships. Think about the long term gain.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20


The best way to reduce worry in your life is to make sure that your body is in good shape. So if you haven't had a checkup in a while, make an appointment today. Knowing that you have a clean bill of health will go a long way toward putting your mind at ease. Good health is something you have to appreciate and not take for granted. And start thinking about preventive measures you can take to combat illness, like taking vitamins and exercising more.